To contact the elders, please use their e-mail address,
Pastor & Elders
Rev. Dr. Kurt T. Kruger
Senior Pastor
B.S. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL
M.S. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL
M.Div. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Boston, MA
D.Min. Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, FL
Rev. Dr. Kurt T. Kruger graduated Magna Cum Laude from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and was inducted into the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary chapter of the Phi Alpha Chi Scholastic Honor Society. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and a member of the Chicago Metro Presbytery where he has served on the Candidates and Credentials Committee. He has a wide variety of ministry experiences including senior pastor, solo pastor, rural church, and suburban church. Some of his past community service involvement includes being a member of Habitat for Humanity Builder’s Club in Ogle County, IL, and serving as a volunteer fireman for five years with the Lynn-Scott-Rock Fire Protection District in Davis Junction, IL. Pastor Kurt is the author of Tentmaking: A Misunderstood Missiological Method (Wipf & Stock, 2020). In addition to Tentmaking, he has written hundreds of articles for Sunday School Guide Publishing that contain verse by verse commentary on selected Old Testament and New Testament Passages. Pastor Kurt has been married to his wife, Dawn, for over 35 years and they have two adult children who are believers. He has served Peace Community Church since 2012.
Angel Contreras
Dan Gromala
Steve Jellema
Ruling Elder
Ruling Elder
Steve Wolf
To contact the deacons, please use their e-mail address,
Derek Beecham
KilEean Bell
Chris Casey
Nik De Koning